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Cinnober acquires BOAT from Markit — independent European trade reporting service is here to stay Tue, Jul 01, 2014 19:48 CET. A seamless transition for clients with no change to the BOAT trade reporting service.; Independence from exchanges and marketplaces so all Over The Counter (OTC) trading activity remains free from conflicts of interest. BOAT collects, collates, validates and stores OTC trade data and publishes it to the market in real time. Mark Schaedel, managing director of equities at Markit, said: “We believe the sale of BOAT to Cinnober is in the best interests of customers as it provides a seamless … Cinnober Financial Technology today announced the acquisition of Markit Trade Reporting (“BOAT”) from Markit with Cinnober taking full control o… Cinnober has acquired Markit Trade Reporting, dubbed Boat, from Markit. Starting today Cinnober will take control of Boat's European trade reporting service after Markit earlier this year announced it would no longer support the service. moderbolaget Cinnober. "Boat Oasis är något av ett paradigmskifte och öppnar upp helt nya och effektiva möjligheter för den traditionella återförsäkringsbranschen," säger Jamie Khurshid, vd för Boat Services Ltd. "Det finns ett stort intresse från leverantörer av olika typer Detailed information for MIC (ISO 10383) code BOAT (Cinnober Boat), [London, United Kingdom] Swedish trading technology vendor Cinnober has bought the Boat trade reporting service from Markit. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

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Create New Boat/Ferry Company. Connect e-sportbar. Pub. One Group. Boat Services and London Stock Exchange Group - Took part in System Testing (TRADEcho Trade Reporting Platform). - Worked on Functional, Regression,  Cinnober är oförtjänt okänt. Ovanpå det blir det kommande året spännande för dotterbolaget Boat och den nya storsatsningen ”client cleari Hon har pluggat datateknik på KTH och började som utvecklare på Cinnober och är nu VD på det börsnoterade företaget. Vi har fått äran att  Simplitium är ett av flera dotterbolag inom Cinnober och gick tidigare under namnet Boat.

2014-08-12 Cinnober has provided the core technology for Boat and also fully managed the service since its inception in 2007, but only developed the services it was mandated to provide.

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This PEUGEOT : Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for share PEUGEOT | CINNOBER BOAT: 0NQ9 | CINNOBER BOAT Först ut att byta profil är Boat som nu blir Simplitium i samband med sitt 10-års jubileum. Omprofileringen av övriga två dotterbolag sker under kommande kvartal i samband med ett branschevent. – Cinnober har sedan starten fokuserat på börs- och clearingteknologi och riktat sig till ledande börser och clearinghus över hela världen, en verksamhet som även fortsättningsvis är en Trading technology specialist Cinnober has big plans for BOAT, the trade reporting service it acquired from Markit on 1 July – including new asset classes, a new focus on banks and brokers, and a renewed push at data quality. LEEDS BUILDING SOCIETY : Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for share LEEDS BUILDING SOCIETY | CINNOBER BOAT: LBS | CINNOBER BOAT 2018-09-14 · Nasdaq expects to acquire Cinnober through a recommended public cash offer that was launched this morning at 08.01 CET whereby Nasdaq, through a wholly owned subsidiary, has offered to acquire all Boat Oasis utökar riskplattform med översvämningsmodell från JBA Risk Management tis, sep 05, 2017 11:00 CET. JBA Risk Management är den första riskmodellutvecklaren att integrera översvämningsmodeller på Boat Oasis – modelleringsplattformen som används av återförsäkringsbranschen för att beräkna finansiella konsekvenser av potentiella katastrofer.

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Cygnis kund Cinnober har vunnit en viktig och strategisk affär med ett brittiskt bankkonsortium som kallar sig BOAT. I konsortiet ingår bland  Dagens börsvärde kan lätt räknas hem på Cinnobers befintliga affär mot för dotterbolaget Boat och den nya storsatsningen ”client clearing”. Berlin | Börse Stuttgart | Turquoise | Nasdaq Nordic - Stockholm | BXE | CXE | Cboe Off Exchange | Börse Berlin - Equiduct | Aquis Exchange | Cinnober BOAT.

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“The BOAT platform has huge potential for further development and the demand for a continued services and a broader offering is very high according to discussions we’ve had with customers,” said Veronica 2014-08-12 BOAT, the consortium of nine investment banks launched to address regulatory changes in the financial markets with respect to pre- and post-trade market data provisions, has chosen Cinnober Financial Technology as its technology provider and Markit Group as its business partner. Trading technology specialist Cinnober has big plans for BOAT, the trade reporting service it acquired from Markit on 1 July – including new asset classes, a new focus on banks and brokers, and a renewed push at data quality. EXTENT stands for Excel in Teamwork, Education, Networking and Training. It is a forum for sharing innovative trading technology ideas, expertise and education for specialists working in the global financial markets industry. In what is seen as a major endorsement for Cinnober’s new management of BOAT, the company announces today that all BOAT customers have now confirmed their future commitment to the service.Cinnober’s new BOAT division will continue to provide the only independent European trade reporting service, following the acquisition from Markit by Cinnober Financial Technology on 1st July … Cinnober acquired BOAT in July from Markit, reviving the service set to shut down by the end of the year. BOAT’s clientele includes more than 40 investment firms and multilateral trading facilities (MTFs) among customers reporting their trades and quotes. 2018-09-14 Cinnober Financial Technology has acquired Boat, the trade reporting business, which will provide an opportunity to expand its client base to banks and brokers.
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Cinnober boat

Om Boat Oasis Boat Oasis är modelleringsplattformen som används av återförsäkringsbranschen för att beräkna finansiella konsekvenser av 2018-09-14 Cinnober acquired BOAT in July from Markit, reviving the service set to shut down by the end of the year. BOAT’s clientele includes more than 40 investment firms and multilateral trading facilities (MTFs) among customers reporting their trades and quotes.

Starting today Cinnober will take control of Boat's European trade reporting service after Markit earlier this year announced it would no longer support the service. Cinnober, whose solutions are based on the company’s proprietary TRADExpress platform which operates within high-transaction marketplaces, has confirmed that its new BOAT division will continue to provide the only independent European trade reporting service, following the acquisition from Markit by Cinnober Financial Technology on 1st July this year.
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Stock Exchanges Around The World. There are hundreds of stock exchanges around the world, including those in the U.S. However, many of those stock exchanges are small, or trade options or securities that are outside of our scope. Ever since, Boat has operated with exceptional uptime, and is the trade data monitor (TDM) with the most comprehensive offering of reportable instruments, including more than 10,000 stocks and ETFs across Europe, the Swiss and Russian markets.

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Cinnober Financial Technology today announced the acquisition of Markit Trade Reporting (“BOAT”) from Markit with Cinnober taking full control o… Swedish trading technology vendor Cinnober has bought the Boat trade reporting service from Markit. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. För årets första halvår redovisade Cinnober en rörelseförlust om drygt 30 miljoner kronor. Tillväxtsatsningar tyngde resultatet med nära 40 miljoner kronor. Av det svarade Boat för dryga 15 miljoner kronor i utvecklingskostnad.