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About Lundstedt Automotive Inc.: Find Acdelco Auto Parts for Your Vehicle At Lundstedt Automotive Inc. in Fort Collins CO. Acdelco Provides High-Quality Car Parts for All Major Vehicle Systems As Well As Off-Road Marine and Industrial Equipment. Find 2 listings related to Lundstedt Automotive Inc in Fort Collins on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Lundstedt Automotive Inc locations in Fort Collins, CO. Find 99 listings related to Lundstedt Automotive Inc in Bluefield on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Lundstedt Automotive Inc locations in Bluefield, WV. Lundstedt Automotive Inc is located at 1401 E Lincoln Avenue Fort Collins, CO. Please visit our page for more information about Lundstedt Automotive Inc including contact information and directions.

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Unlike some service facilities, we do not try to get you in the door with cheap prices to sell you repairs you do not need. Lundstedt Automotive Uncertified Auto Repair Shop in Fort Collins.

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I have yet had to take any mechanical repairs back for a second go-round. They are not cheap but they are worth the money. This is one place where you get what you pay for and it's worth it." 290 Followers, 251 Following, 112 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Lundstedt Automotive (@lundstedt_automotive_inc) Lundstedt Automotive Inc. provides high-quality car parts for all major vehicle systems, as well as off-road, marine and industrial equipment.